Optimal Orofacial Health: Myofunctional Therapy for Nasal Breathing and Jaw Development

I want your child to step beyond mere survival. Our program is designed to alleviate their symptoms, promoting optimal health and well-being. This is not just a course, it's a revolution in breathing and jaw development, empowering them to thrive and excel with every breath they take!

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Start Breathing Better Today!


Are you a mom who's exhausted from endlessly Googling, trying to decipher conflicting information about your child's breathing and airway issues?

Do you find yourself wondering how and if you should treat these concerns? It's time to put an end to the uncertainty and gain the expert guidance and treatment you and your child deserve.

I promise you it is never too early and it is never too late to get started. Lets say goodbye to those symptoms and get your child nasal breathing and their jaw growth and development on track!

Hi, I'm Chelcie Gjellum, certified specialist in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy!


I’ve always believed we must tackle the root cause if we want true healing. Treating the symptoms is just like mowing the weeds. But its amazing what happens when we dig a little deeper and pull the weeds so that they never come back!


When I was a first time Mom with a newborn I quickly ran into the troubles of a undiagnosed tongue and lip tie. And wow did this change our lives! This led me down a path of breathing, sleep and airway health and I have not looked back since. 

With six years of working with parents searching for answers and looking to change their children's breathing, sleep and airway health, I was able to pinpoint the methods and exercises that have helped transform so many lives.

My courses will help you breathe, sleep and thrive to help uncover the most refreshed version of you and your kids.


Enhance Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is essential for optimal whole body health .

Promote Proper Jaw Growth and Development

Our muscles are the root cause of crooked and crowded teeth and improper jaw development.

Say Goodbye to Symptoms

When we sleep and breathe better many of the related symptoms disappear.



Learn WHY we MUST have strong and properly functioning facial muscles


Learn about our goals.

1. Nasal Breathing

2. Tongue positioning

3. Lip Seal

4. Swallow Pattern

Road Blocks

What might we run into if we aren't able to fully reach our goals

Let's Get Started

Learn about the active and passive exercises we will be doing throughout the program

Nasal & Sleep Hygiene

Keeping our nose clear and setting our sleep up for success

Sessions 1-12

It's GO time!

Learn exercises that will get our muscles functioning properly so we can breathe and sleep better and get our jaw growth on track!

Let's Get Started!

Some Things to Ask Yourself

  • How long has your child been mouth breathing, snoring, bed wetting, or dealt with painful ear infections?
  • How will this continue to affect your child a year from now if we don't address it now?
  • What will this look like if we only treat the symptoms and not the root cause?
  • Are you tired of watching your child only survive instead of thrive?

Let's be honest... we know the time to treat this is now.

Chelcie has helped us with all of these things! My son’s bed wetting has stopped, he went from 100% mouth breather to nasal breathing the majority of the time, and his behavior and sleep has changed for the better! Thank you, thank you!

Nina L.

I was hesitant to work with anyone regarding my 12 yo son’s tongue tie because he had already had 2 revisions, one at 2 weeks old and one at 6 yrs old. Neither time were we ever told about myofuntional therapy as a congruent therapy. I knew that issues could arise down the road as he got older so I connected with Chelsie for an evaluation and info. She explained everything so well and despite the other two revisions, my son still had the highest level tongue tie you can have. I knew then we had some major work to do. When I connected with Chelcie I instantly felt at home and like my son was going to have great results this time around. Chelcie is extremely knowledgeable, kind and easy to work with. We were able to do everything via zoom and she found a great doctor for us! We have had amazing success this time around. My son’s tension in his shoulders is gone, he is CHEWING his food now, he swallow’s completely different and has even started to enjoy different food textures he would have never tried before. We are extremely happy with our results and Chelcie was such a blessing to our family!

Amanda L.

Just wanted to reach out and say thank you! My pulmonary function test came back great this year!! Not even in the radar for sleep or breathing issues. Thank you for all of your help. 

Jeff P.

Join Today


$2,200 Value

  • For ages 3 and over
  • 6+ Modules
  • 12+ Myofunctional Therapy Sessions
  • 1 Myo Kit included
  • BONUS during this promotional period: Webinar Community Support is FREE ($97 value)

All The Tools You Need To Get Your Child Nasal Breathing & Promote Jaw Growth

Myofunctional therapy on demand, on your own time. Therapy and exercises that has helped hundreds of families just like yours!

Optimal Orofacial Health- Myofunctional Therapy for Nasal Breathing and Jaw development


I want your child to step beyond mere survival. Our program is designed to alleviate their symptoms, promoting optimal health and well-being. This is not just a course, it's a revolution in breathing and jaw development, empowering them to thrive and excel with every breath they take!

Sign me up now!