Myo Tiny Tots: Myofunctional Foundations for Jump Starting Development in Children 0-3

A Proven Way to Get Ahead and Take Steps In the Right Direction



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Are you a mom who's exhausted from endlessly Googling, trying to decipher conflicting information about your child's breathing, tight baby teeth and airway issues? Do you find yourself wondering how and if you should treat these concerns? It's time to put an end to the uncertainty and gain the expert guidance and treatment you and your child deserve.

The ages from 0-3 is too young for an actual myofunctional program. This is NOT a myofunctional therapy program. However what we can do is Jumpstart the journey and learn the education needed to make a difference and start implementing small passive exercises, tools and placement exercises to start making a difference NOW so we can take baby steps toward unlocking the transformative power of optimal breathing, restful sleep, and jaw growth optimization!

Hi, I'm Chelcie Gjellum, certified specialist in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy!

When I was a first time Mom with a newborn I quickly ran into the troubles of a undiagnosed tongue and lip tie. And wow did this change our lives! This led me down a path of breathing, sleep and airway health and I have not looked back since. 

With six years of working with parents searching for answers and looking to change their children's breathing, sleep and airway health, I was able to pinpoint the methods and exercises that will help you build a better foundation for your child's breathing, sleep and airway health. 

Enhance Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is essential for optimal whole body health .

Promote Proper Jaw Growth and Development

Our muscles are the root cause of crooked and crowded teeth and improper jaw development.

Have the knowledge you need to start paving a path in the right direction.

We can't accomplish everything at a small age but we can absolutley start paving that path and find the referral sources we might need. 

Myo Tiny Tots

A proven way to jumpstart your Child's muscle function and breathing!

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Learn WHY we MUST have strong and properly functioning facial muscles


Learn about what our longterm and lifelong goals are!

1. Nasal Breathing

2. Tongue positioning

3. Lip Seal

4. Swallow Pattern

Road Blocks

This will teach us about high vault and tongue and lip ties!

Let's Get Started

Learn about the passive exercises, oral placement therapy and tools we can impliment at these ages.

Nasal & Sleep Hygiene

Keeping our nose clear and setting our sleep up for success

Feeding, pacifier and bottle basics!

This knowledge in itself can make a huge difference. We talk about breastfeeding, food, bottle, pacifier and sippy cups and what we should and should not be doing!



Know what to look for when looking for additional referral sources. Feeding therapy, OT, and tongue and lip tie specialists are few we discuss!

Some Things to Ask Yourself

  • Why should I wait when there are baby steps we can take now?
  • What will this look like in a year if we don't address it now?
  • What will this look like if we only treat the symptoms and not the root cause?
  • What happens when things progress into more severe symptoms?

Let's be honest... we know the time to learn this knowledge and get a jumpstart is now!

I truly believe knowledge is power and just having this knowledge that is explained througout this program has been so beneficial. I feel confident in the small steps I can take now to set my daughter up for success and to know there is additional help and other referral sources if needed. 

Linda L.

Why does no body talk about these things!? Sure I knew pacifiers could be bad long term but when you are explained the reasons of WHY it is so much more helpful! My daughter was 2 and using her pacifier still and just by knowing I needed to make that change and why has made a world of difference! 

Sarah L.

My son took to some of the simple tools and exercises really well and I already notice a difference in his breathing in 4 weeks! I also feel better knowing what options there are in the future to continue to correct this as he gets older! 

Mary M.

Myo Tiny Tots

A proven way to jumpstart your Child's muscle function and breathing!

Sign me up now!